How do we use solar cells?

Solar cells are the cheapest way to generate electricity – cheaper even than a new coal-fired or nuclear power plant. This is why the global installation rate of solar cells is five times that of coal power and 20 times that of nuclear power.

In Australia, almost all new power stations built are solar or wind farms. Electric vehicles that use solar and wind power to generate electricity could replace polluting gasoline cars. Solar and wind power can also be used to heat and cool homes, replacing traditional coal and natural gas heating.

The use of solar and wind energy helps to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that damage the planet, and the cost of solar and wind energy is low compared to other energy sources, and will become lower; If we use more wind or solar power, we can accelerate the reduction of traditional energy use (such as coal, oil and gas) that hurts the planet.

In addition, silicon atoms are the second most abundant atoms in the world (oxygen is the first). In fact, most sand and stone is made of silicon and oxygen, so we can’t use up all the silicon for making solar cells.


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